Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Treastie on thinking :: essays research papers

What you are about to read are only my thoughts. The thoughts in which I would pay any amount of money not to behold for I wish I could be simple minded and just follow instead of being damned with holding thoughts that no one else shares. The whole idea, man governing man is simply ridiculous. What gives any man the idea that he is in some way more powerful than any others? Man just has to realize that government is pointless. However I am not a fool and understand that in the society we live in government is essential. Man always needs to feel that everything just peachy. A government is just people who want to be apart of something. They live in the same society so they feel as though they share the same ideas. When in fact no one knows what his ideas actually are for the damned society IS the only government we know. And by society do not mean the media, that is just part of it. I mean everything that we do; all of our lively actions are controlled by the media. People try to be different by becoming gothic when that only gives everyone else to raise an eyebrow to. â€Å"Goths† are people who do not agree with the current society so they dress differently and bitch and complain about no one understanding the m, instead of expressing there thoughts in a manner that the current society would could try to understand. If man would just open their minds instead of only living to prepare. We prepare our kids for kindergarten only to prepare for elementary school where you prepare for high school, their u only prepare for college or to enter the work force. In the work force you prepare for promotions. Then you prepare for retirement. Only to live your final years preparing for death. The whole time only eating a cake and drinking a beer to find some escape from this horrible cycle. I know I am just writing this pointless treatise is only adding to the whole cycle. I am being a simple-minded hypocrite. I go through life accepting society, and only on occasion sit back and just think, trying some way to grasp this whole.. Thing. You may have any opinion you want I only ask that u base on it on actual feelings and not your brain, which has been molded into a protocol piece of plastic that works just as everyone else’s.

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